For Candidates
What type of roles are available on SymbaSync?
Companies on SymbaSync are hiring for all types of roles, all around the world. The majority of roles currently being hired for are for Software Developers, Data Scientists, Product & Project Managers, UX Designers, Accountants, Engineers & more!
Once your SymbaSync profile is complete, you’ll be eligible for job opportunities at all companies hiring on the platform, ranging from early-stage startups, to scaling tech companies, to established enterprise businesses. Sounds good? Click here to create your profile & start getting competitive job offers.
Is this a free service?
Can I look for jobs without creating an account?
Why is SymbaSync anonymous?
Keeping your identity anonymous allows you to discover jobs without your current employer seeing you on our platform! Candidate anonymity in the early stage is also proven to reduce early-stage hiring bias.
Can I upload my CV or resumé?
Once you’ve completed your SymbaSync profile, you’ll never have to write another CV again and your profile will be constantly matching with jobs on the system!
Is all the information you ask for used for job matching?
Is SymbaSync a recruitment company?
Is my data secure?
For Companies
I want to hire with SymbaSync - where do I start?
Hiring on SymbaSync is simple. Create your account, post a job, and you’ll be able to instantly start contacting top matching candidates. Click here to register and find your ideal candidates.
Is this a free service?
Can you help with my candidate sourcing?
We definitely can!
As well as having access to our database of qualified candidates, your role can be posted to 100+ job boards with one click. You’ll get the right level of exposure to quickly fill your roles with high quality candidates.
You can easily integrate SymbaSync into your current workflow. By funneling candidates visiting your website through SymbaSync, you’ll get access to our industry-leading candidate shortlisting tool and have all your candidate information stored in one place. Click here to register and find your ideal candidates.
Are you GDPR compliant?
SymbaSync is GDPR compliant. If you want to learn more about our GDPR policies please contact us.